Why NUUF is our spiritual home

  • A space of peace and warmth to think about deeper philosophical questions and come back to ourselves every month

  • Diversity and difference as a core strength and not something to just overcome

  • A tight-knit community that makes efforts to support each other beyond just church time

  • A balance of structure and traditions as well as freedom, the importance of curiosity and love of learning

  • A small, still growing community where it is easy for enthusiastic newcomers to take initiative and contribute to projects

  • Focus on the importance of the path and the process of asking questions instead of having a fixed answer

  • A community to help you develop and apply your own ethical principles

  • LGBTQ+ friendly religion celebrating the diversity of human love, sexuality and gender expression

  • The beauty of religion as a way to bring people together, give a sense of meaning and sacredness, celebrate the beauty of the world - without dogma or rigid hierarchy.